The house is surrounded by rape this year, and as the wind has been in the South, there is an all pervading smell of the stuff in the house, great for the hay fever!!
Andrew Petcher has very kindly acknowledged my lucky guess at identifying an Oystercatcher for him on his blog, well worth reading as he goes into great detail about all his subject matter, I have certainly now learnt a lot about the Oystercatcher!
I bought a vacuum cleaner for the pond on Saturday as we are having problems with the water foaming whenever the pumps are running, we have had the water tested and it is fine, but I think 18 months of waste fish food, leaves, and the natural by products from all the fish (and with last years hatch, there must be well over a hundred) laying on the bottom cannot be doing the water any good, so decided to try and get some of it out. Problem is, it sucks the water out and discharges it out of a pipe connected to the bottom oh the vacuum, the pipe is only about 2 metres long, so we now have very well watered flower beds that smell bloody awful!!
Oh well.
Scott and Di came round last night and we went to the Blue Bell to discuss our forthcoming holiday on the Broads, it will be good to get back onto the water again.