Thursday, 18 November 2010

Another catch up

Sorry, it is a long while since I updated this blog, my excuse is that there has been a lot going on and I have not had time. Whilst that is partly true, it seems to be one of those things that you are always going to do tomorrow!
Flossie has now settled in as a manic 8 moth old, mad as a wasp and keeps us (and Oscar) permanently entertained.
I have now completed my year in the chair of the Alexandra Lodge which has been a fantastic experience, now have the back benches to look forward to!
As busy as ever at work, a number of high profile projects on the go, but constantly overshadowed by the uncertainty that surrounds all our jobs a South Holland District Council merges with Breckland Council in Norfolk, an exercise that will see a lot of job losses, as well as a lot of good people leaving the Council due to the uncertainty of the future for the remaining jobs, and the complete loss of moral amongst the staff.
However, life must go on, and some of the projects are so important to the economy of the district I can only hope common sense prevails.