Andrew Petcher has mentioned on his blog 'Have bag, will travel' how he nearly sideswiped a pheasant over the weekend, and asks the question how could anyone shoot such a magnificent bird?
This reminded me of January last year when for two or three weeks, when I went out to the car in the morning, this beautiful cock pheasant was waiting for me, he was so tame I could almost touch him. They really do have the most striking plumage, and I managed to get some close up pictures of him which I think you will agree, show him off at his best.
We called him Mr P, and he is still hanging around the garden now, but somewhere along the line last year he injured his leg, so he now hops along like Long John Silver without a crutch, but at least we know it is him! Click on the pictures to see a bigger image.
He is truely magnificent. Before I knew better I thought birds in the UK were boring - how wrong I was. I have been watching the Starlings, they are so colourful with green darts on their wings, vivid spots and oily purple chests they are really beautiful.